How Much Does D-Aspartic Acid Increase Testosterone?

How Much Does D-Aspartic Acid Increase Testosterone?

Written by Ben Bunting: BA, PGCert. (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) // British Army Physical Training Instructor // S&C Coach.


Aspartic acid is a non-essential amino acid that our bodies make naturally. However, if you want to improve your testosterone levels and body composition, it may be worth considering taking a dietary supplement that contains D-aspartic acid.

This supplement has been shown to increase testosterone levels, which are necessary for muscle growth and energy. It also increases sperm concentration and quality, which are important for fertility.

Boosts Testosterone Levels

D-aspartic acid (D-AA) is a naturally occurring amino acid that helps balance hormones in the body. It works in the pituitary gland and testes to regulate luteinizing hormone, growth hormone and testosterone. This means it promotes muscle mass, libido, energy levels and overall health.

Whether you are a young man or an older one, D-AA is a safe way to increase your testosterone levels. It is also a natural aromatase inhibitor, meaning it can help prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This can prevent estrogen imbalance, which can lead to male boob growth and heightened aggression.

As a supplement, D-AA is usually taken at a dose of about 2,000 to 3,000 mg daily. It can also be stacked with other natural T-boosters, like luteolin.

The exact dose you need depends on your age, health and activity level. However, some studies have shown that healthy men can increase their testosterone levels by up to 50% after taking D-aspartic acid for just a week.

For men who are inactive and have low testosterone, it can also boost their levels of this hormone. This is beneficial for a variety of reasons, including improved exercise performance and a higher quality of sleep.

In fact, a study of resistance-training athletes showed that d-aspartic acid increased their testosterone by more than 50%. This is because testosterone is needed for muscle growth and boosting your workout endurance.

Moreover, d-aspartic acid can also raise your sperm count and movement, which is useful if you are trying to conceive. A recent study found that men who took D-aspartic acid had a 2-fold increase in sperm concentration and a 1.86-fold increase in sperm motility, making them more likely to get pregnant.

D-aspartic acid is also able to stimulate the release of luteinizing hormone, which encourages the development of an egg in a woman’s ovaries during her menstrual cycle and increases sperm production in men. It also increases the amount of red blood cells in the body, which can improve your workout performance and recovery.

D-aspartic acid has been shown to increase testosterone levels in both healthy and overweight men. Regardless of your health status, it’s important to talk to your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen.

Increases Muscle Mass

A common dietary supplement used by bodybuilders is d aspartic acid, a non-essential amino acid. It is also a popular testosterone booster.

Aspartic acid occurs naturally in the human body, and it is a key ingredient in proteins. It is also responsible for the synthesis of many important hormones, including luteinizing hormone (LH), which plays an essential role in menstrual cycle regulation and sperm production.

Although the exact function of d aspartic acid is unclear, it is known to increase testosterone levels in both healthy and overweight men. Testosterone is responsible for muscle growth and recovery from exercise. It can also enhance energy, boost mood, and improve sexual performance.

D-aspartic acid works by stimulating the release of luteinizing hormone, which increases testosterone in the pituitary gland and the testes. This is especially beneficial for men who are trying to increase their sperm count, as a high sperm count is a strong indicator of successful fertility.

In addition to boosting testosterone, D-aspartic acid can also help to increase muscle mass. A study found that taking d aspartic acid with a weight-training program increased muscle mass and strength by a small margin, but this improvement did not occur when d aspartic acid was taken alone.

Taking d aspartic acid can improve muscle recovery by increasing the rate of cellular repair. It can also reduce muscle fatigue by improving the speed at which your body heals itself after workouts.

It can also be a useful supplement to use when you are recovering from surgery. It can increase blood flow to the muscles and prevent lactic acid buildup that can cause muscle pain.

One of the best parts about d aspartic acid is that it is a safe supplement to take. It can be taken in a range of doses, with most supplements containing 2.5-3 grams of the amino acid per day. However, it is always a good idea to consult with your doctor before taking any type of supplements.

Another way that d aspartic acid can increase muscle mass is by promoting growth hormone secretion. It is a key player in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, which is a system of communication between the brain and the testes. It can influence the release of GnRH, a hormone that increases testosterone production in the testes, and LH, which encourages sperm production in men.

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Enhances Energy Levels

D-aspartic acid enhances energy levels in a number of ways. It also has a number of other benefits, including boosting testosterone levels and helping men with fertility issues get pregnant.

Aspartic acid is a building block amino acid that is found naturally in foods and dietary supplements. Its main purpose in the body is to promote muscle growth and increase energy levels. However, it can also help to regulate your hormones and support a healthy lifestyle.

Another key role of aspartic acid is to stimulate steroidogenesis in the testes. This is the process by which the body produces testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH), which are two of the most important male hormones.

This is a very important function for anyone with a hormonal imbalance or who has been diagnosed with low testosterone. Boosting your testosterone level can have many positive effects on your life, including increased muscle mass and improved exercise endurance.

Several studies have found that d aspartic acid increases testosterone levels, especially in healthy men. Some of these studies even showed that the supplement was effective in keeping testosterone levels high after people stopped taking it.

These studies also revealed that d aspartic acid can improve the quality of your sperm, which can lead to greater fertility in men with reproductive problems. A study involving 30 men with reduced sperm movement and count found that d aspartic acid significantly increased their sperm counts and motility.

In this study, men were given six grams of d aspartic acid per day for three months. They were followed closely to see if their testosterone levels would increase, and they were asked to perform resistance training exercises.

The results of this study were promising. They found that participants who took d aspartic acid experienced significantly higher testosterone levels than those who were given placebos.

D aspartic acid is an amino acid that is naturally found in the human body and is used to synthesize proteins and regulate a number of hormones. It is also a vital component of the brain and is involved in several processes, including memory formation. It also helps to form erythrocyte membranes in the blood.

Increases Fertility

D-aspartic acid is a dietary supplement that increases the level of testosterone and other sex hormones. It also improves sperm quality and performance, which can help increase your partner's chances of getting pregnant.

Taking a dose of 3000 mg of d aspartic acid for 12 days can increase testosterone levels by about 25%. In some cases, it can also increase sperm count by up to 50%.

Testosterone is a vital hormone for men's fertility, as it helps to regulate the development of a fully functional sperm. It also allows for proper attachment to the egg in the fallopian tube.

Vitamin D is another important nutrient that improves sperm health. It can help increase sperm count, and it can help protect sperm DNA from oxidative damage. Moreover, it can reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Other nutrients that can improve sperm health include selenium, folic acid, and zinc. You can get your daily recommended dose of these nutrients through a balanced diet, but you may want to consider supplementing to ensure you're getting the optimal amount.

Selenium supplements have long been known for improving sperm count, motility, and morphology. In addition, it's also been shown to lower oxidative stress.

In a study of infertile men, those who took 50 micrograms of selenium every day for three months had an improved sperm count, and their sperm motility was significantly better. They also experienced a significant decrease in the level of MDA, a marker of oxidative stress.

Zinc supplements can also increase sperm quality and number by increasing testosterone. One study found that taking 3,000 IU of vitamin D every day for a year increased testosterone by 25 percent.

Folic acid can also improve sperm quality and increase sperm count. It can be taken as a supplement or in conjunction with other herbs, such as fenugreek and tribulus terrestris.

Tribulus terrestris is an herb that has been used as a sexual stimulant for centuries, and it may also be an effective male fertility supplement. A review of seven different clinical studies found that tribulus terrestris improves sperm quality and enhances the effects of testosterone.


D-Aspartic Acid (DAA) has been linked to a number of health benefits, and its effects on testosterone levels are particularly significant. This is because the hormone plays a crucial role in increasing muscle growth and supporting faster recovery after exercise, as well as improving libido and enhancing quality of life.

It is also useful for those with low testosterone levels, and even for those who suffer from a hormonal condition such as an underactive thyroid gland or menopause. DAA can improve the production of luteinizing hormone (LH), which in turn stimulates testosterone production.

Testosterone Levels After 12 Days: A Study in Male Volunteers

One study found that a daily dose of 3.12 grams of D-Aspartic Acid for 12 days increased male volunteers’ free testosterone levels from 4.5 to 6.4 ng/mL, and their LH levels rose from 4.2 to 5.6 mIU/mL. When the study participants stopped taking D-Aspartic Acid, their testosterone levels quickly declined by 10%.

While a high dose of DAA, such as 6,000 mg per day, may provide temporary boosts in testosterone, these boosts are not long-lasting and can actually cause negative effects on the body.

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